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There are only 3 things you need in order to be successful in business. 
#1 A product or service to sell.
#2 People to sell it to.
#3 The skills to ask them to buy.
That’s it. You need something to sell, you need an audience and you need to ask them to buy from you. It’s not rocket science, but people still overlook at least one of these key ingredients on a regular basis.
#1 Have a product or service to sell.
I run into 2 different types of people who have questions about this. First, there are the wannabe entrepreneurs. These are your friends who have brilliant ideas about products or services to sell but never do anything about it. They want advice on how to sell their whatsit and how to go into business for themselves. Most of these folks have chronic execution problems and are too afraid of failure to actually get anything off the ground. What they are asking is if I’ll take their idea, create their product for them, market and sell it for them and then give them all the money. That answer is No, I won’t. If you are serious about creating your product or service, do it. Do some research on whether there are people who actually want to buy your product or if you can create a need for your product. If there is indeed an audience, put together a plan on how you will sell it and raise awareness. Look at marketing and learn some sales skills from someone like me. Create your product or offer your service, then buy a website, get a phone number and get signed up to accept credit cards. Done. If you are committed to going into business then your questions to me are more specific and I will teach you how to sell online, over the phone and in person. The second type of person who asks me questions about this are salespeople who work for someone else. Salespeople often bring up their product as a scapegoat for poor performance. The salesperson says that the competitor’s product is superior or that they don’t have enough qualified leads to sell the product to. I hope you don’t mind, but I usually tell that salesperson to go work for the competitor or someone else then. You don’t want them anyway. They aren’t bought into you or your product. If you are a salesperson you MUST resell yourself every day on your product and believe 100% that it’s the best product out there. If you offer a low-cost option you need to sell yourself on the value of the product, it be 20% lower quality than a competitor, but if you are selling it at 40% less cost, then your value proposition is actually better. You get 80% of the value for 60% of the cost, it’s a bargain! You must know your product, the ins and outs, the pros and cons and you must know all the variables and intricacies like the back of your hand. I can teach you how to sell, but you MUST know and believe in your product better than everyone else.
#2 People to sell to.
There are people every day who invent items that nobody wants, or are too expensive to be practical. Think of Smell-O-Vision or Baby Cages, these were products that didn’t have an audience. Turns out that having people willing to buy your product is important. Did you know that there used to be a Pepsi — A.M. as in a breakfast soda pop? Sounds weird right? Nobody wanted Pepsi for breakfast, so Pepsi partnered with Starbucks and sells a slightly different product, but to an audience that actually wants Starbucks in the morning. Find out where your audience is and make sure that they actually want your product branded the way you have it and that they can afford it. Middle-class families want electric vehicles, but they couldn’t afford them so Tesla started out catering to high-end clientele until they could bring the cost down. Know your audience and sell to them.
#3 The skills to ask people to buy from you.
I am like Liam Neeson from Taken because “I do have a very particular set of skills”. If you have a product and know who you are selling to, get the help that you need to close the deal. There are creative geniuses who aren’t salespeople and don’t know what to say to frame their product as a solution. There are thousands of sales coaches who can help with this. There are free videos on YouTube from myself and others that can show you what to say and when to say it. If you don’t want to be a YouTube student then I can help you hire the right professional to do this for you. The great thing about salespeople is that the best ones desire to be on 100% commission. This is a win-win for you because you aren’t out any money unless you are actually making money. Make sense? There are 4.6 Million salespeople in the U.S. at last estimate and most of them have little to no formal sales training. Isn’t that a ridiculous shame? If you are one of the 4.6 Million salespeople without any training, take a look at investing in yourself. If you are an owner of a business without a formal training program and are depending on a “Shadow” or “Mentor” program, you are doing yourself a dishonor. Most salespeople get by on luck, natural ability and if you are lucky, hard work. This doesn’t need to be the case, you can create professionals that will exponentially increase your revenue.
I’m not sure when you last saw a tripod with 2 legs, but it I’m pretty sure it didn’t stand for long. Don’t set yourself up for failure by neglecting any one of these 3 must-have items for success.
For those of you need to see this in a video format-
Are you an entrepreneur that needs to #sell?
How strong is your #Salesfu ? Are you a salesman that doesn’t believe in your product? Are you a salesman who doesn’t know his market?
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I am like Liam Neeson from Taken because “I do have a very particular set of skills”. If you have a product and know who you are selling to, get the help that you need to close the deal. There are creative geniuses who aren’t salespeople and don’t know what to say to frame their product as a solution. There are thousands of sales coaches who can help with this. There are free videos on YouTube from myself and others that can show you what to say and when to say it. If you don’t want to be a YouTube student then I can help you hire the right professional to do this for you. The great thing about salespeople is that the best ones desire to be on 100% commission. This is a win-win for you because you aren’t out any money unless you are actually making money. Make sense? There are 4.6 Million salespeople in the U.S. at last estimate and most of them have little to no formal sales training. Isn’t that a ridiculous shame? If you are one of the 4.6 Million salespeople without any training, take a look at investing in yourself. If you are an owner of a business without a formal training program and are depending on a “Shadow” or “Mentor” program, you are doing yourself a dishonor. Most salespeople get by on luck, natural ability and if you are lucky, hard work. This doesn’t need to be the case, you can create professionals that will exponentially increase your revenue.