I once had an English teacher inform me that in order for my audience to actually receive and retain any kind of message I would need to tell them what I’m about to tell them, then actually tell them and finally tell them what I just told them. I had to hear this several times before it actually sunk in. Go ahead and re-read that now a few times to get it out of the way.
52 Weeks of Book Reviews. Week # 7 – The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure – by Grant Cardone
I find that the more I read these kinds of books the more that they blend together. If you only worked harder and smarter than everyone else you’d be vastly more rewarded. That seems like basic common sense doesn’t it? The person that figures out a way to way to be more efficient and then ALSO out works you, well that person deserves massive success right?
Cardone talks a lot about the effort piece of the puzzle in this book, by the very title he wants you to work 10X more than the other person, but do it in the same amount of time everyone else has. It’s simple, yet tough to achieve otherwise there would be a ton of Grant Cardone clones running around. Well, there are probably a ton of Grant Cardone wannabe clones running around, but none have rivaled him yet today. It’s easy to read the words and I can actually attest to the fact that doing just some of what Cardone talks about will change your life significantly. Why don’t more people take his advise at 100% or 1000% if we want to stick to the 10X rules? I guess most of us just don’t want what he has bad enough, we are content to keep the same social circle and status and we have adapted our lives to our income and tricked ourselves into thinking that’s all we need. Most people earn what they need, not what they want.
Cardone goes strong in this book, but it’s palatable and not crass so it appeals to the masses. New salespeople and those stuck in middle management for the past 20 years have all got a reason to read this book. The best part is that this guy really eats, sleeps and breathes what he preaches, he’s a product of himself. I’d have to imagine that he’s baffled that not everyone is as successful as he is. I truly believe that he intends to share every secret he has in the hopes that it helps the world and he can’t believe that the world is not literally knocking down his door for this info. It does seem that more and more of the world is taking notice.
Grant seems to write in a flurry, it’s well thought out but you can tell that he is a force to contend with and his willpower is a force to be reckoned with. He says exactly what he means and then he tells you 29 more times because he’s passionate about success and what it takes to get there. It seems to be working. He 10X’d my English teacher, that’s for sure. Buy this book, but be warned, you’ll want to buy his other books and download his audio books and then watch him on Youtube and then go to his website and watch the 100’s of hours of video he has posted there. If you are going to pick a Mentor from afar, and basically that’s what you are doing when you choose to read a book like this you could do worse. If you go in though, be prepared to go all in, otherwise this is a useless addition to your book shelf. You buy this book to start the 10X system and way of life, not to pick up and put down again to get dusty.
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